I really try to detox my body as much as I can. I work and live in central London and have a frenetic lifestyle so I need double dose of antioxidants! That’s why whenever I can enjoy the pleasure of having a relaxing breakfast at home, I jump at the chance to have some fresh garlic with it.
The benefits of garlic are widely known, namely: medicinal properties, reduction of blood pressure and cholesterol levels, flu fighting and a powerful source of antioxidants. But what a lot of people don’t know is that all these amazing benefits increase dramatically when you have garlic first thing in the morning, as bacteria struggle to defend themselves from garlic on an empty stomach.
So I simply spread a garlic clove on my toast and add the other ingredients on top. This helps me cleanse my kidneys and bladder more effectively. And it feels so good to taste those Mediterranean vibes, especially for all of us city slickers!
Ready in: 15 minutes
Serves: 1
Level: Easy
- 2 slices of rustic bread
- 1 tomato
- 2 free range eggs
- 1 small garlic clove
- 1 tsp of extra virgin olive oil
- a pinch of Himalayan salt
- a pinch of freshly ground black pepper
- Toast the sliced bread in the toaster for 2 minutes.
- Grate the garlic clove and spread it on the toast.
- Chop a couple of slices of tomato. Spread the rest on the toast and add the slices on top.
- In a small pot, heat a liter of water on a high heat, till boiling. Then turn down the heat to the minimum and crack the eggs carefully into the water. IMPORTANT: Leave for 3 minutes maximum or else they will get overcooked!
- Take out the eggs and place on top of the toast.
- Drizzle 1 tsp of extra virgin olive oil over the toast.
- Grind some Himalayan salt and black pepper on top.

Bon Appétit mes amis!