About Bertie

I studied the Degree in Cookery, graduating with the best mark in my class.

Then I worked as a chef in different countries, including at Michelin starred restaurants.

I then went to work in a traditional Spanish restaurant where I learned how to really nail all types of Paellas.

I was on stage with a famous chef host of a cut-throat cooking TV show!

I took part in a National Cooking Contest up against another 390 cooks in front of the most demanding multi-starred Michelin chefs. I won the 1st prize!

I got to appear on the front page of a newspaper and on the telly!spacer height=”20px”]

And now I have my food blog – Bloggin’ a food blog!!!


There is a certain element of secrecy in the world of cooking, that’s always there I guess!.

Throughout my life in cookery, when I have been given a recipe, I have often been asked to promise not to share it. Whatevs…

When studying my degree I was also asked to not share the recipes I was learning. Some cooking books I had to use, and that are out there for everyone to buy, had some mistakes written into the recipes (seriously?) and some of my homework at the cookery college was to try and spot them.

Here all the recipes are published the same way I learned them, explained as in much detail as possible for you to be able to replicate them, accurately and simply.

Buen provecho!